Wednesday, September 11, 2013


I love to snoop around other crafter's spaces. I find it comforting to know I'm not the only obsessed and chaotic crafter.  Come join the fun...see what you can discover. Thanks to Julie for hosting this interesting challenge

Windows and doors and tiny green wreaths plus a cute pop up penguins card I saw on Pinterest. This link shows the adorable scarfed penguins that made me want to try a stage pop up. Mine need some perfecting.

I was inspired to join a Merry Monday Christmas Card challenge when I saw Loll's fantastic card. I got out my green scraps and made some wreaths, then I die cut a couple windows, then some ovals, then I made a couple doors....but nothing was coming together. I finally completed  the card in the front which I will enter after I snoop around and clean up. I have until Sunday to post it.

Here's another shot. I like to have everything within view or reach...other wise I forget about it. I hope to find a way to use all the windows and things I made, I'd hate to waste them. Do you have this madness going on when you create a card....come on tell the can be challenging:)


  1. That penguin pop up card is just too cute. Love the window as well. Happy crafting #5

  2. Carole, I am the same way about having to be able see things, and have them within reach.
    Have a great week and thanks for the visit.
    Krisha #18

  3. I LUV the windows and doors - I can't wait to see your finished window. The little Penguins are sooooo cute :-D
    Thanks for letting me peek :-D

    IKE in Greece #91 xx

  4. Hi Carole, great looking cards - very cute penguins and your doors and windows look fab.

    How do I choose which desks to visit - well - how long have you got?

    Firstly I have "regulars" that I've visited ever since I started WOYWW - I also like to have a nose at any one with an interesting blogger name or any one who posts as a newbie, after that it tends to be reciprocal visits to people who have visited me. I know that some deskers pick anyone with the same last number as them so say they were no. 6 they would then visit 16, 26, 36 etc as well as any reciprocal visits.

    Thanks for your visit - have a happy week. MMx #76

  5. I agree its good to have everything to hand :-)
    Happy WOYWW
    Kay #45

  6. Love that penguin card! The window card is just lovely as well. Lots of fun on that desk! Thank you for the kind visit today. Yous asked how I decide to snoop on, and for me, it is random, and sometimes I pay visits to those who visit me often. It is all so much fun! Glad I got to meet you today! Winnie#79

  7. Thank you Carole for visitng my blog for my first time at WOYWW. Thanks for making me feel welcome. This looks a lovely card you have made
    x catherine

  8. Love what you are doing on your desk. I too like all my stuff close at hand and visible or it gets forgotten. I try visit the last 20 peeps before me on the list and some of the regulars who have been with me since the beginning of this crazy desk snoop!

  9. Love the cards and the penguins! Love Pinterest but often forget to note where I've seen something and it just gets lost in space!! Have a great week and Thanks for your visit earlier, Chris 77

  10. thanks for visiting pleased to see not the only one in full christmas swing love the penguins very cute...I agree if you can see what you've got you cant forget about it.....and I love a good snoop to have a great week Andrea##44

  11. Hello, you have some super cute cards going on there. you asked how I snoop.. lol I try to start at number 1 but that dosnt always work and then I hit the bottom of the list.. some times I do just odd # and then next week even. But still a lot of people that way.
    Some times it takes me all week just to get to every one. you do it any way you please. And thanks for letting me peak. Roberta 6

  12. Love the variety and those penguins are just TOO CUTE! Creative Blessings! ~Kelly #105

  13. Love the penguin pop up!!! Just too cute! And your windows and doors... very cool! Thanks for visiting and Happy WOYWW!
    Carol N #98

  14. challenging? Oh my, that's such a nice polite way of naming what I sometimes experience!! Ive a stack of dies that I've cut 'in error' just this afternoon... It makes me so cross when I have such a nice bolt of inspiration but can't get the idea onto paper. mind you, I often end up with something I quite like...but it's nothing and I mean NOTHING like the card I set out to make!!

  15. Christmas card time! People think I am mad for starting early, glad I'm not the only one!! :) Lx (#122)

  16. Hi I am loving the windows and penguins. I haven't started my Christmas cards yet. Happy woyww. Thanks for stopping by.109

  17. Those penguins are so cute. I too need to see everything, to the point that I sometimes run out of surface to actually work on. Lol.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Annmakes 97

  18. What fun to snoop on your desk. Loving the window and know I love windows.

  19. Oh I absolutely have that going on!! I too like everything where I can see it otherwise I forget about it!!
    Love your cards!! You will definitely find a use for the windows!!

  20. Hi Carole. Love the pop-up penguin card in the background ... and, of course, your card for Merry Monday challenge is AWESOME!!! So glad you could join us! :) Loll xx

  21. Love the peggywigs [penguins]they are sooo cute! Will have to have a go!!Thanks for my snoop! HaPpY (late)WoYwW!?
    ((Lyn)) #60

  22. Yep, I forget about things I can't see too. But it does make for some lovely surprises when I find them! You have made some really cute things--Jean #11

  23. I need to see everything, otherwise I forget too! Makes storage ideas a little challenging tho ;) Thanks for sharing and a belated happy woyww Liz@74


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