Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Female fish-her... step card

My last post I wrote that I would have to recreate the fisher dude step card... using more of my own cuts instead of the stickers I used for him. 

So there it is...similar embellishments same theme. The coffee pot is not a good cut but the fire looks good. His hat is hard to replicate but hers is okay. She has earrings and a diamond.
I want to start on another card using the pink camper I cut: here 

I've been challenged recently with tech...no  knowledge ...logy issues. Hooking up a new printer and wireless router, getting use to a new browser and other stuff. Then every time I turn around something needs charging...and it's not my credit cards. The camera kept shutting off because the battery is so low, then there's the kindle and the phones, no wonder the electric bill is so high. Enough of that!

That's all for now my friend...be well and craft on! ~Carole

When they go fishing, it is not really fish they are after,
it is a philosophic meditation. ~E.T. Brown


  1. OMG....this is super great...look at the cuts you are creating...wow! You're hot and on a roll!


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