My special treasures. Pictured on the left is Laney and Rylee. On the right is Wyatt. One day a week I babysit my two youngest grandchildren: Rylee 7 and Wyatt will be 6 in August. Rylee and Wyatt are crazy about their cousin Laney who will be 15 in November and always want to include her in our plans. (by the way Rylee has unexplained alopecia. She's not ill, she just lost her hair.)
I'm called Nana and I have rules, but I'm still a kid at heart. The plan is that before I go home they get to pick something from the bucket list. They can choose it or pick again. When we decide on what we are doing next week we make a list of things I need to bring. Here's what we came up with. (so far)
Fun Bucket List
This weeks plan is:
Paper Crafts for Father’s day
Things we need; interview sheet {-name -years old-height- weight- pounds-favorite food- good at-loves to -favorite things to do with Dad -why I like him- why I love him -what I do that makes him happy-draw his picture}colored pencils, scissors card stock paper punches glue and tape.
Play date with Laney any time
Things we need - Laney
Build a bird feeder from recycled
materials - add bird seed
Things we need - plastic tray –
carton – wire to hang – bird seeds – milk jug
Build a hide out with cardboard
Things we need – large pieces of cardboard
– duct tape – paint – craft blade for Nana to cut windows
Write thank you notes
Things we need – paper –scissors -
paper punches – colored pencils – markers – tape or glue
Watch clouds - make up and tell
stories – pick another item on the list
Things we need – imagination
Things we need – imagination
Play dress up – read or tell a
story in your dressed up character
Things we need – costumes -
Clean up and organize toys so we
can find little toys for Play Dough scenes
Things we need – boxes – bins – bags - patience
Things we need – boxes – bins – bags - patience
Birthday party for favorite teddy
bear or stuffed animal
Things we need - Cupcake wrappers for play dough
cupcakes – candles – wrapping paper for presents (one of your toys) Balloons- streamers -
Follow a recipe for no-cook play
Things we need - Flour-2 cups – salt-1 cup – cream
of tartar- 2 tablespoons –cooking oil-
2 tablespoons – boiling water-1-2 cups Food coloring- a few drops – scented oil
2 tablespoons – boiling water-1-2 cups Food coloring- a few drops – scented oil
PJ Day wear PJ’s all day – pick
another item on the list
Things we need – PJ’s
Make shadow puppets – start by
drawing characters on recycled cereal box – cut out and paint
Things we need – empty box –
cereal box or cracker box – pencil or markers – scissors – paint – sticks –
Play outside all day - ball toss –
roll down the hill – have a picnic – blow bubbles –
Things we need – score pad – picnic lunch – bubbles
Things we need – score pad – picnic lunch – bubbles
Make a sprinkler by poking holes
in a recycled one-liter soda bottle – attached to a hose with coupler
Things we need - one-liter soda bottle – male coupler –
sunny day
Go to McDonalds for lunch and play
on play ground
Things we need – money $10.00 should do it.
Things we need – money $10.00 should do it.
Go to Jungle Wonder and jump and
climb and bounce for hours
Things we need – Money $25.00 should do it.
Things we need – Money $25.00 should do it.
Play dough day
Things we need – we have
everything we need – just add some imagination.
I'm wildly excited about our bucket list. It's great to have a plan that keeps the kids busy and engaged in playful learning. It's and opportunity to give them my full attention and create lasting memories.
"Education is not the filling of a pail,
but the lighting of a fire." — W.B. Yeats
We're going to have a great summer. Hope you have one too!
Be well Carole
What a fun idea! I should do that with my DD (she's almost 8). Don't know if it really works, but I found instructions on how to make a homemade glow stick bottle. If it works, it'd be fun.