Greetings dear followers; I've been busy with many duties and projects and spending way too much time on Pinterest. Wow have you checked it out? My favorite boards are the DIY'S and crafts. I've found so many beautiful cards and brilliant ideas that inspire me to try and recreate them. Amazing stuff!
Like this darling pop-up piano card by Lynn Pratt: Lynn has a tutorial on how to create two piano cards at a reasonable price. I was able to create this facsimile starting with a 5"X7" base. Just a matter of measurements and experience. Thanks for the inspiration Lynn!
This tropical card I made for my niece Kat. Kat lives in Maui, HI and came state side for a visit. Her mother and I got all the cousins together to celebrate. The card front asks...Are you going back to Hawaii???? and the inside has this cute little box with a tissue. I saw a version of the tissue box on Pinterest too. Here's the link to find the details:
My next project was made for a friend of my daughters, who lost her mother in a tragic event. Both her parents were found unconscious due to carbon monoxide poisoning from a faulty furnace. My daughter and her friend (Victoria) are both yoga teachers. After hearing the startling news, Corina (my daughter) gathered friends and fellow yoga students and teachers to sit in meditation and send prayers for Victoria's parents. Everyone that gathered offered a written prayer, to be placed in a basket on an alter with a picture of the parents along with several candles. This offered a point of focus to send the energy of love and prayers. Several hours later they learned that Victoria's father would survive, thanks be to God. This box will serve as a place to keep the written blessings and prayers offered with love.
PS...Corina bought this beautiful paper for me on her recent trip to Dubai.
"A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out". Anonymous
That's all for now...stop back soon to find out about the technique I used with a crimper....
be well Carole
What an amazing outpouring of CRAFTS WOMAN SHIP, Carole. As my crafty neighbor Sharon would say, 'GREAT STUFF!' Sharon just contributed crocheted sea creatures to Florida Craftsmen's REEF cooperative project. (More on that, later . . . )
ReplyDeleteI wish you to know that in my first sentence I only separated the terminology because spell checker was after me - the darn nag - and that despite the correctness of the term, in all its uniqueness too. GRRR. I can only conclude that spell checker has its own GENDER ISSUES.
I'm glad you are back on your blog spot. I missed your morning posts. Not that I'm trying to push you in any direction, mind you. It's just nice to picture you there in your studio making and shaking the stuff of your creative wondrous self.
SO GLAD that you introduced me to PINTEREST, too. I think it will be so much more than other techno spots. It's compellingly brilliant.
RE: Victoria's parents' prayer box - Your offering is such a kind expression of YOU being you to them and their Community. You are a stand for honor thy parents, dearest C. However, I could not quite make out the text in the forefront. This tells me that you did not 'ask' the camera to focus on that text and I wonder this: Did you use the macro setting or not? Please realize that I like to see every little eensie dear detail. It matters to me . . . .
And I'm 'standing by' for YOUR crimper project.
Bye for now,