A cute tail attracts a lot of attent |
CAS-ual Fridays Challenge "Jest for the Pun of it"
Use a Pun on your Clean and Simple Creation.
Skipping Stones Designs is the sponsor for this weeks challenge. Their Mission Statement is: To help papercrafters share the gift of laughter one stamp at a time. How fun is that?
Use a Pun on your Clean and Simple Creation.
I love this fun rick rack-sparkly trim so with that color in mind I used my cricut to cut the basket in a similar color. I cut several eggs and a chick. The bunny was cut from water color paper, detailed with a black eye, whiskers, a pink nose and pink tipped ears then a cotton ball tail was glued on. The sentiment was computer printed then added with tiny flowers to cover a smear. The pink poka-dotted bow completes the card.
Be well. Carole
I enjoy seeing your lovely cards. This one is thinking spring and is so full of fun! How about a fantastic pink gingham checked bunny? Use your imagination and let your inner child have at it. I must admit that I miss your quote on this one.