Wednesday, December 30, 2015

"What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday 343

What a hot mess...notice how I just keeping shoving everything to the side. I've been busy card making but I haven't spent much time on the computer (short story: cataracts and shoulder pain) I've had my eye surgeries but the wrist and shoulder pain persists making it difficult to type...but I'm gonna have a see what you're surrounded by. 

Be well ~ Carole


  1. Mess- looks like a mini mess to me! If you can't make a mess you can't make anything! May the new year bring you creativity and health!
    robyn 2

  2. Looks like you still have LOTS of room to create! I have about a 6" space at the moment! Hope you can get those cataracts cleared up, and your shoulder pain looked after, so you can get busy with more crafting! Wishing you well in 2016 - Lindart #36

  3. My space not even set up and ready to go yet!!! Lost my mojo :-( Hope 2016 will see your health problems improving. Anne x #17

  4. I'm glad your cataract op went ok and hope that your shoulder etc improves's not much fun being in pain like that. Your desk made me smile..that's a proper crafting space!!
    Hugs, LLJ 8 xxx

  5. Messy is creative lol. That's what I tell myself.
    Hope the shoulder feels better.
    Happy New Year
    Sharon K #35

  6. I wouldn't want to post a pic of my desk right now. Yikes. Does anyone have a neat desk while they are creating?
    Hope your wrist and shoulder are doing better. I can definitely relate to you with that one. Happy New Year to you.

  7. Happy WOYWW. At least you can show your desk - mine just has business stuff on it. Hope your shoulder pain gets sorted. I have had shoulder/neck pain flaring up - and it really makes me miserable. Happy New Year. Ali x #43

  8. It's not that big of a mess I've had shoulder pain before so frustrating that you can't enjoy the things you want to hugs Nikki 1


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